Upcoming FENS deadlines – Young Investigator Prize and Prague Meeting
Upcoming Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) deadlines – Young Investigator Prize and Prague Meeting
FENS-EJN Young Investigator Prize
Applications now being accepted
This biennial prize donated by Wiley-Blackwell, publishers of European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN), will be given to a young scientist in recognition of her/his outstanding scientific work in any area of neuroscience. The prize money is £7,000. Candidates must either be working in a European research institution or be of European origin if working outside of Europe. Individuals may apply themselves or be nominated by a FENS member. Visit the FENS website for information on all condiditions and to submit your application. Applications now open from January 1 to February 15, 2013.
FENS, the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, Featured Regional Meeting 2013
Early registration and abstract submission now open
As you may already know, the FENS Featured Regional Meeting 2013 will be held from September 11 – 14, 2013, in Prague, the Czech Republic. Early Registration and Abstract Submission are now open. You can use the online forms available on the meeting internet site to register for the meeting, book your accommodation and submit an abstract. The deadline for Early Registration and Abstract Submission is March 31, 2013. Also available on the website are the meeting schedule, details of the symposia and special interest sessions included in the scientific programme, information about travel stipends for students and young researchers, as well as information about three Training Schools that will be held in Prague prior to the meeting, from September 9 – 11, 2013.♦